Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Creating A Modern Day Maiden

In today's society, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to protect the innocence of our little girls. As a father of two little girls, my wife and I are becoming more alarmed at the continued pressures that society and pop culture are placing on our girls to grow up and mature at an alarming rate. I recently found some sound advice on ways to protect little girls from the pressures that seem to be coming ever so swiftly to steal away their innocence.
  • First and foremost, we must pray for our daughters. Our daughters must be bathed in a lifetime of prayer, as they are young we must pray for their innocence. It is never too early to pray for a Godly husband for our daughters. My wife and I began this prayer the instant we knew God had given us a little girl.
  • Secondly let them be a little girl for years. Encourage little girls to play like little girls. Give them dolls, a kitchen, and GREAT BOOKS! Be careful of the television shows that they watch. If your children are watching television, watch it with them so that you know what they are seeing. The same word of caution applies for the internet. As soon as your child begins to explore online, make yourself aware of what they are looking at, and install software to monitor their use.
  • Don't make a big deal about body image, natural curiosity, or accidental innuendos. Attempt to cover these topics, when they arise, with grace as to not draw attention to them. Try to protect them from premature information.
  • Enjoy dressing modestly with your daughter. Mother's the best gift you can give your daughter is to teach her to dress in a modest way. You don't have to break out the turtlenecks and embroidered sweaters (sorry if there is anyone reading this who loves a good embroidered sweater or turtleneck!) My point is that the best gift you can give your daughter is to teach her how to be fashionable, but at the same time modest. You are protecting her image!
  • Teach her the difference between real beauty and "airbrushed" beauty. Help your daughter to understand that the women on Cosmo and other magazines are not real examples of beauty. Click on this link to see a great way of explaining this to your daughter.
  • Celebrate the beauty of her inner self.
  • Plan activities and conversations that tie your heart to hers. Have mommy and daddy dates with your daughters, establish bed time traditions, talk to her at dinner time, enjoy her personality, and love her no matter what.
These suggestions came from the following blog:

I share these ideas with you because the only way we can protect the innocence of our daughters is to work together as a community to do so. It is much easier to raise Godly, pure, and innocent girls if everyone is together in the values they feel are important. Culture is pushing our children in a direction that stands in direct opposition to our values and beliefs. We cannot let our guard down for one minute, or our daughters can be snatched from us.